Sunday, April 10, 2011

Me, my Friend and my Car

I have a personal story to share with you. Keep it to yourself….
 Long ago my parents bought me a car (Diesel sedan). I had a best friend who loves me so much. I always wanted his company so we made an agreement. The pact is that I provide the inputs like fuel, oil, water for the car and he will maintain it in a good condition. We enjoyed the ride for few days. I got to know the world, technology, people, society and having a fun filled life. My friend somehow not interested in outside world and he loves only the car. One day instead of diesel, I gave him petrol. He protested saying it doesn’t fit in. I asked him to shut his mouth and manage. Poor fellow he doesn’t know the value of petrol. I am giving the best. Am I not?
One day my vehicle broke because the exhaust was jammed. My friend started repairing the vehicle. I have already spent half a day watching him do something. I got pissed off and called the mechanic. He used some cleaning liquid and cleared the jam immediately. From that day the exhaust troubles me once in a while and my mechanic used to fix it.
Every morning he wants to clean the car and asks for water. I told him I don’t like water. One day the car was stinking. I gave him kingfisher beer to clean it because I like it. Dumb ass!!! Just staring at me. I again have to call my mechanic to get a car freshener. Why doesn’t he understand me?
I used to get lot of valuable things and kept on storing it in the back seats, bonnet and on top of the roof where ever we find a space. One day he told me to get rid of them. Is he mad or what? Who has time?
My car grew old and not able to pull the weight. One day the car bearings broke and the other day batteries gone and AC failed. I know my friend is never gonna fix it. My mechanic knows me and came to the rescue. God!! Why can’t the mechanic be my friend?
Now the engine struggles to pull us. Of course my mechanic fixed it to some extent. But it needs support despite the best brand gas I provide it with. Now-a-days he doesn’t speak and protest. He tries to do something when I am not awake. I pray god to take care of my car.
Meaningless… eh? I know you have already decided to never read my blog again. Let me rephrase the story.
Imagine yourself in the place of me, your immunity in the place of my friend and your body in the place of my car. Now read the story again.
My parents gifted me this body. I and my friend had to co-exist in this body with harmony. I love the material things and he loves the body. He wants nutritious food and I gave him tasty food which I like. He protested and asked him to adjust.
One day I had cold, fever, cough and he wanted rest. I am tired of taking rest and went to the doctor. He gave me the medicine but once in a while I suffer with something or the other. Every morning he wanted water to clean but I gave coffee, tea, complain, boost. I am feeding the best but he doesn’t understand me.
My body started stinking and it again wanted water. Instead I used cosmetics, deodorant and mouth fresheners. I ate unwanted things and kept adding weight. My conscience told me to get rid of it. But I don’t have time.
My joints, muscles have failed as I have used them without overhauling them. My liver got damaged because of alcohol. Lost pancreas and metabolism is affected. I can’t tolerate heat, rain, cold and don’t know what to do. Doctors helped my body to some extent.
Heart slowed down now-a-days and hands, legs, spine doesn’t support. I still serve the tastiest food in the world. My friend doesn’t speak and tries to do something inside. I am praying god to take care of my body.
I feel bad because my friend is weak and he didn’t take care of my car. I know you will agree with me…
What is this immunity by the way? Is it the white blood cells, plasma, body reaction, conscience? What is it? Where is it? Let’s understand…….
For example what is fever, body pains? Whenever some bacteria/virus/infection is killing our cells, body reacts by the way of fever and body pains. Actually fever or body pains is not the problem, virus/bacteria is the problem. Fever is just a reaction asking you to take rest and body pains are forcing the body to take rest. When the infection gets chronic, you will vomit whatever you eat. Because body has something to do on priority and it is not in a position to do digestion. You will experience lack of appetite some times. It is an indication that digestive system is shut down for some maintenance work.
Similarly loose motion is an act of cleaning intestines. Cold is the act of cleaning respiratory tract. Phlegm is the collection of toxins, dead cells in the body. Cough is an effort to throw away the phlegm stuck in our nasal passage. Hiccups are an action to move the food stuck in food pipe (hold the abdominal muscles and giving a jerk). Sweating is an act of maintaining the body temperature with water and emitting the toxins through skin.
Acidity is the pain created by the damage of mucus membranes in the stomach (mucus protects the stomach walls from acids used in digestion). Gastric pain is caused by the gas jammed in the stomach and intestines. But the problem is toxics accumulated in intestines and indigestible food that is generating gas.
For that matter all the pains we experience is indication of some of the problem. Unless there is pain, we don’t even know about the problem. Appreciate the favour pain is doing to you.
There is someone who creates pain, who directs the body, who cures the body, who runs this body, who protects the body; that is the immune system. It is the loyal system which discharges its responsibility despite all odds.

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