An interesting incident happened last week. I happened to go to an old friend’s house and both wife and husband were fighting. I am bit of hesitant to ask the reason. But my friend had volunteered to explain what happened. It seems they bought a new washing machine after marriage. Fully automatic, equipped with artificial intelligence and very costly stuff! Being curious about the machine, I asked him how it works. It seems after you dump the dirty clothes, it will switch on its own, pulls the detergent and sufficient water and swirl the clothes to remove stains and dirt. It pumps the waste water from one side then the drier removes moisture and push the dried stuff to a container built in. Whole process takes 4-5 hours (2 hrs processing +2 drying approx). I was wondering is there a machine which can also fold and iron the clothes. But the best part is it will not stop the process unless the stains are completely cleaned. It is not time driven but sense driven. I was amazed and asked him how did it get damaged??? He says…
7AM : I come from gym after a heavy work out and dump the sweating clothes and it starts processing.
8AM : My wife gets up and dumps her night gown. It starts from the beginning again because once it senses the dirt it starts all over again.
10AM : My Kid is also crazy. Before she goes to the school at 10AM, she dumps her socks in it and goes quietly.
12PM : Clothes move to the drier. Sensing that the process is complete, my wife finds a bag full of stuff and dumps them inside. Now the machine starts multi tasking. One side it is cleaning and the other side drying.
4PM : The machine finishes the cleaning and dumps the clothes in the drier.
5PM : My kid returns home and dump her hand kerchief and machine kicks off again.
6PM: My wife takes a bath and dumps her daughter’s clothes and hers in the machine.
10PM : when I return home, I dump my pant, shirt.
Initially it worked really well. But after a year, the noise is huge. It’s insured so the maintenance guy came and he replaced some parts. It was fine for a month but the efficiency came down. I think it is overworked. I don’t want to use it too much so I put only my shirt and keep the pants for tomorrow. After 2 years, I find that sensors are not working and the mechanic suggested manual intervention. Sometimes it doesn’t clean the dirty stuff. Sometimes the drier doesn’t work. I do go for regular maintenance. But today it is completely broken because my wife uses it excessively when I am not at home.
I was mum and don’t know what to say. Looks like the machine is used 24X7, no wonder it gets damaged. Why can’t they just pool their clothes and dump it once. Control the kid and persuade wife so that it isn’t excessively used. Why can’t they just let one process complete and go for another round? Why can’t it be subjected to preventive maintenance once in a while? It has insurance but does it mean they create a trouble and fight at home? Did they care for amount of energy wasted by running the machine for 24X7?
Digestion system is a highly sophisticated system of converting the Food we eat into the glucose that body can consume. Digestion system means not just stomach. It starts from mouth and ends with anus. Believe it or not, our digestive system is 10 meter long and digestion is 5-12 hour process. Food moves in this chain because of peristaltic movement (expansion and contraction of muscles).
Mouth: Crush the food into small pieces. During the process saliva glands secrete saliva (alkaline in nature, contains enzymes to digest carbohydrates, protective function) and sends it to stomach.
Stomach: Adds gastric juice (acidic in nature, contains enzymes digests protein and fats, protective function) and break it down into tiny particles in about 2-3 hours. From there food moves into to smaller intestine.
Smaller intestine: Secretes intestinal juice (Alkaline in nature, contains enzymes to digest CH, Proteins and fats), adds Bile (Alkaline in nature, Helps digest fats) and pancreatic juice (Alkaline in nature, contain enzymes to digest CH, Proteins and fats) for the food to break down. Intestines (7 meter long) absorb the nutrients into Blood in 3-4 hour process. Undigested food / waste move to Large intestine.
Large intestine: The undigested food, minerals, mucus, dead cells, waste moves to Large intestine. Here water will be absorbed back into blood and waste will be excreted through anus.
Just look at the structure how complex it is. Don’t you think we should co-operate with the body to keep it healthy. Here are the few things which can make digestive system strong.
· Take time and eat slowly. Crush the food as much as possible so that the stomach doesn’t suffer. It saves lot of energy that our stomach & intestines spend in breaking down the food.
· Slow eating will add more saliva which will kill bacteria, virus, parasites in the food. Well chewed food helps smooth movement in oesophageous (food pipe).
· Don’t drink water while you eat so that it doesn’t dilute the gastric juice and bring down its effectiveness. Drink more water before food (stop drinking 30 mins before food) so that more water is available in blood to produce gastric juice.
· Don’t interrupt the process in stomach by eating again and again. Don’t eat at least 5 hours from the time you ate. Coffee, tea, colas and juices that we take 1 or 2 hours after food dilute the half processed food. The digestion process has to start all over again. Meanwhile the food half processed starts fermenting leading to gas, acidity, acid reflux etc.
· Drink only water from 2 or 3 hours after consuming food So that the nutrients can be absorbed into blood effectively.
· Excrete atleast 2-3 times a day to keep the large intestine clean. People say it is not a good habit. How stupid it is. Are keeping some gold or what? I think it is good because it is better to get rid of waste asap.
· Not just outer body, inner body needs rest. Maintain at least a gap of 5-6 hours between meal to meal (for non veg it should be 12 hours). This gap completes one full cycle of digestion, gives rest to digestive organs. During the rest, they recoup their energy, cleans the toxins and up for the next cycle.
· Drink lot of water (2-3 liters in 2-3 phases) immediately after getting up in the morning so that the waste in the stomach, intestines, blood can be cleaned completely.
· Our body follows the sun. Early mornings (8AM -9AM) eat heavy & nutritious food because the digestive fire will be like rising sun. Body needs more energy at this time. Afternoon (1PM to 2PM) have a little less but sufficient food. Digestive fire is at its peak and it can digest anything at this time. In the evening (6PM – 7PM) have a very light food because digestive fire subsides in the night.
· Even if you don’t follow it now, all the organs will do OT and support you. The result will be known only after 35-40 years of age. Slowly the organs will fail one after the other because of OT they did in young age. The organ which is meant to support for 100 years will shut shop in 50 years.
· Remember the golden rule…. “Drink the solids and eat the liquids”.
· An old adage goes like this “एकभुक्तं योगी | द्विबुक्तो भोगी | त्रिबुक्तो रोगी |“. [The one who eats once in a day is an Yogi, twice in a day is enjoying too much, thrice in a day is a patient]
The pain or pleasure can only be felt by the one experiencing it. Similarly the happiness that you get will be known only if you follow it for few days and experience it.