Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Judgment Day

Frustrated with Accenture I have decided to look out for a job and quit. My entire friends circle is earning more than me. Damn what a shame! Finally I went to an interview last week in a software company. I went to the reception to register myself and oh my god! Never seen such hot chicks you know. And the HR girl is mind-blowing (Interesting enough the guys are also very handsome. Look like six pack freaks). I have decided that I will join this company atleast for this girl’s sake. Screw the hike and screw the career. I don’t care. Finally I have reached the manager’s room who is supposed to take interview. She is so hot that I thought I will shift my work station infront of the room provided I get the job. I entered the room and settled down. She said you are rejected. What the@#$%??
Big jolt on my head! I couldn’t control tears as my dreams shattered. Few seconds later I asked why the hell did I got rejected.
Int: We thought you are handsome. But you don’t look like that.
Me: How does it matter? I am well qualified and well experienced?
Int: See buddy. We hire the people who are beautiful / handsome. Policy says that. No matter what you are.
Me: maam! I am a finance guy. I have numbers on my finger tips. I can do the job really well.
Int: Doesn’t matter. You are not handsome.
Me: you are screwing your company. How will it last if it doesn’t have talented resources?
Int: It’s ok. We don’t want our company to survive more than 5 years.
Me: why? Its insane. What about your employees and their families?
Int: This is how we operate and don’t talk about family. You are infringing into our personal space.
Me: What if the company screws its balance sheet. You will need to retrench employees when you get into losses. What happens to the share holders?
Int: See we will run the company as long as we can. Believe me it doesn’t fail until then. We will shut shop one fine day. I am not answerable to you boss. Can you please leave now?
Me: Are you sure? You talk like insane. You are losing talent.
Int: What life without beauty around. Beauty is the essence of life.
Me: How can you say that I am not handsome? I am handsome madam.
Int: you are not appealing to my eyes sir. Now can you please make a move?
I wanted to slap her and come. But I am helpless.
J This is the way we judge our food as well. This is not tasty. That is not tasty. What life without taste. I don’t want to live more than 50 years. I don’t care. Insurance company will take care of me. I can’t control myself. It is such a horrible food not going inside. It doesn’t look good I can’t have it. It doesn’t smell good so I can’t take it. It is our tradition to eat this, I can’t break the tradition. Except me nobody eats if I cook like that. And what not!
Very often we judge food by saying this is good, this is not good etc. Wonder basis what? Is it based on the smell, looks, taste or the nutrition it has. Ideally it should be based on the nutrition if you look at the worth of an employee based on intelligence rather than the beauty.
Watch out while being judgmental before children. Children’s mind is unidirectional. For example you went to a restaurant and ordered many items. One of them is not tasty and all of you left it saying it is not tasty. Child takes a cue and forms a rule that if it is not tasty, it shouldn’t be eaten. Next time when you offer something which isn’t appealing to him, he will obviously say “Yuck! it is not good. I won’t eat it”. You taught him a biased judgment. If you know nutrition based judgment, then do it else stop being judgmental.
We have 5 senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) to perceive the situations or circumstances we are in. Use them only for that purpose and do not do slavery to them. Didn’t get it right? All senses cheat you unknowingly. Like a drunkard never accepts that he is wrong. People in extra marital relationship never accept that it is wrong. Likewise the prostitutes, wicked politicians and so on. Tongue is just supposed to tell you the taste whether it is sweet, salty, sour or spicy. That’s it! And Judgment part of it to be done by rational mind, not by tongue. Beware! Don’t do slavery of senses. Indian philosophy always says those who win over senses, can win anything in the world.
Food has to be consumed only for nourishment and not for entertainment. Purpose of food is to provide energy, reconstruct the body and keep it in good state to achieve the objectives in life. Food taken for entertainment will lead to a disaster only. Remember you are building the body with the food we take. So quality matter more than quantity.
यद् भावं तद भवती [what you give is what you get]

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